World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Opening Cinematic Revealed

Blizzard has released the opening cinematic for the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria.

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Ghostbusters Paranormal Blast App released

Ask any gamer if they grew up thinking Ghostbusters were cool and you will probably get a resounding “Hell Yeah” in response.

Couple the inner child who dreamed of growing up to be a Ghostbuster with the range of technology available in smart phones today and you get Ghostbusters Paranormal Blast from XMG Games.

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Arma2 Mod Day Z to be developed into a stand alone game by Bohemia Interactive.

Bohemia Interactive announced this morning that it will be developing the popular online Zombie mod Day Z into a stand alone title.

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Battlefield 3: Armored Kill Screenshots

Electronic Arts has released a series of new screenshots  for the upcoming Battlefield 3 expansion – Armored Kill.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic goes Free To Play!

In a move that has been rumoured for a while, it has finally been confirmed that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be going free to play this fall (USA, which should be Spring for us downunder).

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Transformers: Fall of Cybertron multiplayer trailer revealed.

High Moon Studios and Activision have today release a new trailer for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, this time showcasing the games Multiplayer features.

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Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2

Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2

Format: Xbox 360, PC and PS3

Developer: Treyarch

Publisher: Activision

Genre: FPS, Action, Shoot ’em Up

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Marvel Heroes MMO interview with David Brevik (GamerLiveTV)

Gazillion Entertainment founder David Brevik talked to GamerLiveTV about the upcoming MMO Marvel Heroes.

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Diablo 3 “God Mode” Cheat discovered

According to the Diablo 3 forums, players using the Wizard class are able to take advantage of a game exploit to become invulnerable.

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